Rigby was born November 7th, 2006 and 8 weeks later I got him from a farm just outside of Regina, Saskatchewan. His mom was a golden retriever, and his old man was a boarder collie which was the perfect mix of dog, highly intelligent, easy to train and very athletic.
One thing I noticed about Rigby was he was very afraid of storms and got separation anxiety when I was not with him. I tried supplements and medication, but nothing seemed to help.
On November 11th of 2007, just after Rigby’s 1st birthday he was out in the yard and the door was blown open by the strong Saskatchewan winds. Rigby ran out onto the street and was hit by a large car breaking his leg in 19 places crushing the bones. I called in a vet and rushed Rigby in. Unfortunately, since his leg was broken so bad I had to have his leg amputated at the hip. Rigby walked out of surgery and besides not being able to jump and run like he used to, he made a full recovery and was the same, sweet loving guy.
Around his 10th birthday I noticed he was having mobility issues, by the end of the day he would have trouble going up and down steps. I started doing research into alternatives and came across benefits of Full Spectrum Hemp Oil for dogs.
I got in contact with a local hemp farmer outside of Regina, got Rigby a supply and began administering it in his food at breakfast and supper. I noticed immediate results and it was almost like Rigby went back in a time machine 5 years and he was like his younger self again. Not only did it help with his pain and inflammation he was experiencing, but it also helped with his separation anxiety as well as anxiety during storms.
Rigby is now close to 15 years of age. He still has his same playful energy on 3 legs and no fear of storms, all thanks to full spectrum hemp oil.
After seeing the amazing effects full spectrum hemp oil had for Rigby I knew I needed to share this amazing product with other pet owners. In 2018 we started Pawtanical and we have been so fortunate to be able to share the benefits of hemp to help people and their pets live life to the fullest.
We are so appreciative of everyone who has trusted Pawtanical products to benefit their pets and we are dedicated to always making the highest quality natural pet products. Proudly made in Canada from farm to paw.